Lisa Johanna

General rant about life in St A

Publicerad 2016-11-12 23:36:48 i Scotland,

I like it here. Alot. I get a stingy feeling in my stomach when thinking about the fact that I won't be here after the middle of June. And it's November already. I just want these months to pass by s...l...o...w...l...y.
I can't imagine what it will be like having to leave this place, and particularly not what it will be like not getting to see Alyssa every day. I know we are like those exclusive middle school BFF's, but I really don't care. She gets me. On so many levels. It's particularly nice to have someone who actually never gets fed up with all the Jesus-talk. So nice not to have to censour away the very fundament of my identity and my world-view. So nice to have someone who actually agees with me. 
There are alot of christians here in St Andrews. My roommate Alex is a christian too, and she is so wise! Conversations with her and Alyssa have helped me clear my head of alot of it's previous messyness and helped answer alot of questions. There are so many pieces that have fallen into place, in regards to my personal identity as well as my opinions on certain moral issues.Thank you God for bringing people like them into my life. <3 
Alyssa and I just a few minutes before running out into the cold water of the North sea, under a starry sky, midnight before the first of October.
That thing about living by the ocean. I just love it so. 
Another thing I really like about this place is the climate. The autumn has been so long and I absolutely love it! There are decimetres of snow in Stockholm right now, and here we have lovely crisp autumn weather still. 
Alex has put these sticky letters on our window for thanksgiving, so now every morning when I wake up I get a little reminder of how blessed I am to be here. 


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Welcome to my amateur blog with pictures, updates on what I have been doing lately, and spotify links to songs I think you should go listen to. I run this blog mainly to keep my friends and family in different parts of the world updated on my life. Feel free to leave a comment if you want to, and go back in the archive if you feel like being stalk-ish. I sure would. Lots of love! //Lisa

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