Lisa Johanna

Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place

Publicerad 2016-08-28 16:04:00 i Random posts,

Autumn has come around, and I have decided to try to capture it with the camera on my new phone. Quite an improvement compared to my last one, don't you think?
The forest is jam packed with blueberries, the trees in my grandparents garden is full of ripe apples, our trees are full of plums and if the weather was slightly cooler it would be perfect for drinking tea and spending days at the library. I love this season. 
I am so happy I will be living in small town during the next year. Everytime I come back home I realize how much I subconciusly miss being close to nature when living in a big city. It creates such a life crisis for me, because I love the pulse of a big city and all the opportunities it provides, but at the same time I am a country girl by heart and I feel at peace when I am close to nature. I really don't know whether I want to live in a big city or in a small town in the future. Hopefully this autumn in Scotland will sort out a few questions in my mind and make things fall into place. 


Postat av: Ronny

Publicerad 2016-08-29 06:43:57

Grattis! Då kan du äta Haggish varje dag!, 😝

Svar: Tack Ronny! Haha exakt! Jag ser fram emot att äta det. ;)
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Welcome to my amateur blog with pictures, updates on what I have been doing lately, and spotify links to songs I think you should go listen to. I run this blog mainly to keep my friends and family in different parts of the world updated on my life. Feel free to leave a comment if you want to, and go back in the archive if you feel like being stalk-ish. I sure would. Lots of love! //Lisa

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