Lisa Johanna

Collecting the last pieces of Stockholm

Publicerad 2016-08-12 09:26:00 i Random posts, Scandinavia,

At least the last pieces for now. As a few of you might already know I have been accepted to an exchange year at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. So in about two weeks I will be leaving Stockholm for a year, and I really couldn't be more excited about it.
I have spent this past week doing some of the last preparations for my year abroad, and I am really glad I will be finished with everything soon. The process of applying has been really long and partly frustrating. Luckily I am not the only one from Stockholm University going. There are two more girls that have also been nominated by my institution, and we have been able to help each other with everything (Honestly it feels like they have helped me more than I have helped them. If you ever read this: Thank you
Apart from that I have been catching up with a few friends and explored the city by foot because 1: The weather has been nice. 2: I have had time 3: I have still not lived here long enough to have seen the entire city (that would quite probably take years unless I worked as a taxi driver or something similar.) Plus, I really enjoy going for walks.
I spent two days with Emilia, who very soon will be moving back to New York. We went for hot chocolate at Chokladfabriken and sat there until they were about to close, just talking. About everything. I am really going to miss her now when we are not going to see each other for a year (Emilia: or even longer if you happen to get married haha ;)
And this was actually the day before, but who cares about chronology? Anyways, we had just visited the Natural History Museum and learned that there is this really scary, ten meter long sharklike animal that lives in Scandinavian waters. It is called Brugd. Google it. It is absolutely terrifying. I don't care if it has a plant-based diet. It is TEN METERS LONG! I don't want to swallowed like Noah. (Okay, it is close to extinction, so perhaps it should be more afraid of me than I of it. But still...) Anyways, after this rather traumatic experience, we were hungry and agreed on sushi. Who wouldn't agree on sushi?
A few days later I visited Bonniers Konsthall. I really like going to art galleries. With friends, without friends, it doesn't really matter. However I sometimes prefer going by myself because it means I have more time to look at everything and read the descriptions without having to worry about another person getting bored. At Bonniers they even have pillars with books of printed-out interviews with the different artists who have recieved the Bonniers Art Scholarship. I love that.
Oh yes. This has happened. My roomie Sigrids tomato plants that she quite obsessively planted in our "garden" this spring has now started to get ACTUAL TOMATOES. If that isn't exciting, I don't know what is. Who would have even thought it was possible (except for Sigrid)??


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Welcome to my amateur blog with pictures, updates on what I have been doing lately, and spotify links to songs I think you should go listen to. I run this blog mainly to keep my friends and family in different parts of the world updated on my life. Feel free to leave a comment if you want to, and go back in the archive if you feel like being stalk-ish. I sure would. Lots of love! //Lisa

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