Lisa Johanna


Publicerad 2016-11-12 21:28:27 i Scotland,

I cannot believe it has been this long since my last post!! Time really does fly here, and as for now I have zero sense of homesickness whatsoever. I really haven't had any since I came here. (Sorry mum ;))
LOTS has happended since the last time I wrote. Plenty of studying of course, which I really enjoy; I have been twice to activities put on by the Christian Union, studied with friends, gone to church as normal, and Alyssa and I have gone on little adventures around Scotland. I have so many pictures I want to post, which feels like it will take me forever. But today I am starting with the pictures from our trip to Perth the 24th of September. (It is crazy it has taken me this long to post, but on the other hand I am crazy busy with studying, and when I don't study I want to be with friends, not sit in front of a computer and upload pictures for hours.) Anywayyys... This was our trip to Perth. :)
We arrived somewhat randomly. We were actually going somewhere else, but then we missed one of the buses and agreed on doing Perth instead, which we definitely did not end up regretting. 
The plan for the day was to find a nice place for a hike, which we did. We saw a sign that said "Woodland Park" which seemed promising, so we decided to go there. 
Along the trail that we walked up the hillhere was a ridiculous amount of blackberries for us to munch on. And they were really good.  
We stopped sit and have a snack underneath these trees, and then we found a giant hedge that was so dense that I got the impulse to run in to it to see if it was possible, which ended with me bouncing right back out again and Alyssa breaking out into hysterious laughter. 
Once we had got up on top of the hill (not really the top but close to it) we stopped to see the view... 
... and to take jumping pictures.  
Then we walked on into the forest.
Someone had made these amazing wood scultures carved straight from a tree. 
We found another spot for a break, with the most breathtaking view
I mean, look at this! Isn't Scotland beautiful?? <3 
We walked down the hill to the other side, and found another beautiful place. 
Then we made our way back through the forest, and walked down the hill back into town. 
We asked some locals about where to find a good place for fish 'n' chips, and they were really sweet and led us all the way there! 
After our late lunch we went to some shops, and we found this really cool antique shop. 
One thing that we realized about Perth is that it is a small town in the real sense of the word. The shops closed at five, and then the town was completely dead. Not even kidding! It felt like a ghost town even though it was a saturday night. "Where are all the young people??" Oh, I think I know where they are. They are in St Andrews and all the other towns and cities with universities in them. 
We finished the day with coffee/hot chocolate at Willows café before taking the bus and train back to St Andrews. 


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Welcome to my amateur blog with pictures, updates on what I have been doing lately, and spotify links to songs I think you should go listen to. I run this blog mainly to keep my friends and family in different parts of the world updated on my life. Feel free to leave a comment if you want to, and go back in the archive if you feel like being stalk-ish. I sure would. Lots of love! //Lisa

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